BSRA MembershipMembership in the BSRA is open to all Belmont Shore residents -- home owners and renters alike. Dues is $20 per year and entitles the member to voting privileges at the annual election of the Board. Members and non-members alike, are welcome at all BSRA meetings and events.
To join the Belmont Shore Residents Association, please print and fill out the BSRA Membership Form and mail it and your $20 check to the following address. Please be sure to include your email address, home address and phone number, to ensure you receive Monthly Newsletters and BSRA Meeting Agendas. Belmont Shore Residents Association PO Box 30327 Long Beach, CA 90853 BSRA Boundary Description:Per the Belmont Shore Residents Association Bylaws, the boundaries of the BSRA are defined as follows:
For the purpose of these Bylaws, Belmont Shore is defined to be (1) that area of the City of Long Beach bounded in general on the west by Termino Avenue, on the northwest by Livingston Drive, on the northeast by East Broadway, on the east by Alamitos Bay and 55th Place, and on the south by the Pacific Ocean and (2) that area of the City of Long Beach bounded in general on the west by 39th Place, on the north by Ocean Boulevard, on the east by Termino Avenue, and on the south by the Pacific Ocean. A residence located on either side of a street named herein shall be considered to be within Belmont Shore for membership purposes. BSRA Boundary Map: |